2 traffic routes are proposed in the West Newton A Planning Application. The southern route is via Bilton, on the edge of Hull. The recently redesigned junction there is of particular concern. Their traffic assessment did not even mention it. (This was just one of many serious ommissions.)
These photos, captured in a random quarter of an hour, show how trucks struggle around the tight corner, and stray right across the oncoming lane. A lot of the wellsite traffic will be much bigger articulated HGVs.
Now imagine 200,000 HGVs passing through this junction, carrying highly flammable toxic liquid. It is not so much “if” an accident happens, as “when”.
Rathlin Energy want to turn Holderness into an oil field. Their West Newton A Planning Application would result in a massive increase in traffic. As well as the large number of HGVs required for the wellsite expansion construction, and years of drilling and testing, all oil extracted would have to be transported by road tanker. This would result in up to 200,000 oil tanker journeys, carrying flammable crude oil via quiet rural roads, then through Hull or Beverley, and over the Humber Bridge to the refinery near Immingham. This is equivalent to an HGV every 14 minutes for 12 hours a day, on already congested and dangerously polluted roads.