Defund the fossil fuel industry

Help defund the fossil fuel industry!

3 quick and easy ways YOU can help right now:

  1. Ask East Riding Councillors on the pension fund committee to stop investing in fossil fuels. Find out how here.

  2. Switch to a “greener” bank (read more below)

  3. Ask your own pension fund to stop all fossil fuel investments (more below)

Switch to a greener bank

The UK’s top five banks  have all increased investment in fossil fuels since the  Paris Agreement.

Switching your bank account to a different provider may be the quickest, simplest and most effective thing YOU can do NOW to starve the fossil fuel industry of funds.

Find out how your bank ranks for fossil fuel financing by clicking here

How do I switch?

If I can’t switch right now?

If you are unable to switch account at present, why not ask your bank when they plan to stop investing in the top 200 worst polluters? (the Carbon Underground 200 )

Find out more about banking and climate chaos.

Ask your own pension fund to stop all fossil fuel investments

According to a report by UK Divest, estimated investments in fossil fuels by UK pension funds is a whopping £128 billion! That’s the equivalent of £1,916 invested for every person in the UK!

And the campaign group Make My Money Matter, have calculated that divesting your pension pot may be  21 times more effective than all those lifestyle changes which take us all time and effort or a degree of self-sacrifice to achieve (such as going vegetarian, stopping flying and changing energy supplier).

Find out more about the campaign and how to challenge your pension provider here.