Thank you for considering donating. Every donation supports vital campaigning for an East Yorkshire free from fossil fuels.
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2022: Help Fund Crucial Expert Reports
The Expert Reports produced for the 2021 Application for oil drilling at West Newton proved absolutely invaluable in convincing the Councillors to reject it, and providing grounds for them to do so. Huge thanks to everyone who contributed.
So independent planning experts, specialists in the field, were again commissioned, to study the revised oil drilling plans in detail. They have produced Expert Reports resulting in comprehensive Objections to the Application. They have been published on the West Newton Expansion page here to help others Object. They give specific grounds for objection, with reference to points of policy, planning law, and precedence, making a powerful argument to reject the application.
However it’s a lot of work, costing several thousand pounds. Your contribution will help maximise the report’s impact, by distributing printed copies, and allowing the consultants to make their case to councillors in person – so maximising our chances of blocking the Application.
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If you donate by bank transfer, 100% of your donation goes straight to campaigning, as we won’t be charged any fees. Please contact us for our bank details.
Set Up a Regular Donation
Steady income allows us to prepare, plan, and campaign more effectively for a Fossil Free future. We are therefore asking our supporters, where affordable, to consider setting up a Standing Order of a small but regular donation. Please contact us for our bank details. You can also very easily set up a regular donation using the PayPal button above.