West Newton A Oil Drilling Revised Planning Application
+ West Newton B Time Extension Application
Pre-Meeting Presentations – Mon 14th Mar 2022, 2pm
Each side (Rathlin Energy and the objectors) will present their case for a total of 30 mins each to councillors.
Planning Committee Meeting – Thurs 17th Mar, 10am
The 12 councillors on the Planning Committee will consider whether to Allow or Refuse the revised application for West Newton A wellsite, and the application for a time extension at West Newton B wellsite.
As presentations will be made at the pre-meeting a few days before, at this meeting each side will be permitted just 3 mins to speak. Some councillors who are not on the Planning Committee will also speak against the application.
“Seating in the public gallery for observing the meeting is strictly limited to 24, therefore places must be booked in advance by contacting the Committee Manager, Jon Whyley: jon.whyley@eastriding.gov.uk” – ERYC
Both at: County Hall, Cross St, Beverley HU17 9BA
and on YouTube here.
People are strongly encouraged to attend both inside and outside to respectfully show their objection.